Monday, November 1, 2010

Jackson Pollock- Galaxy (Negative)

 The only difference between Jackson Pollock and Jim Morrison is Pollock was a painter and Morrison was a musician, but both of them were raging alcoholics who works were praised by others. One has to ask though, if you took away the crazy, would they still be good?
Jackson Pollock would spend his time standing around his canvas, splattering paint all over it. Is it really fair to call that art? Especially since all of Pollock's paintings are similar and just seem like a continuum of one another. In his work Galaxy, Pollock's color choice helps this painting to stand out from the rest. This detail making it the only exception, but still no better.  What was he trying to represent? This piece of work in no way is a resemblance of a galaxy, but more of a bad paint job in a cheesy night club from the 1980's. Jackson was considered an abstract expressionist but Galaxy, along with other works, if proof that Pollock was expressing his true self, and that self was insane.


  1. This review was very fun to read. I loved the intro. It would've been nice to discuss more of the negative aspects in the piece, for the article seems more like a review on Jackson Pollack than a review on Galaxy. Still, I liked it.

  2. Love your opening paragraph. It is a great attention hook for the rest of your review. Also good job of referring the painting to a "bad paint job in a cheesy night club". Your review kept my interest until the end.

  3. You made very strong arguments! I enjoyed the questions you posed, as well as your descriptions of the piece! Nice job!
