Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kid Cudi- Man on the Moon: The End of Time

Kid Cudi's debut album is split in to five different acts, all depicting a long dream sequence and individually representing a different phase throughout. The purpose of these acts is to illuminate Cudi's own imagination and thoughts. Some tracks make mention of his own night terrors and paranoia's. His mind must be a terrible place to get lost in because having to sit through the entirety of this album felt like an awful nightmare.

 The acts are narrated by Common which gives a listener hope along with opening tracks "Soundtrack 2 My Life" and "Simple As." By track 4, "Solo Dolo," the pace is changed as it is the weakest track and  unable to hold its own. The half-assed lyrics fail to keep your attention and Kid Cudi's monotone voice puts you to sleep. The track itself creates a doom-and-gloom feel, but what do you expect, he's from Cleveland.

 "Solo Dolo" is monotone, but "Enter Galactic" is creepy. This is the only track on the album that is directed toward a love interest. I wouldn't want to be that girl due to Cudi's comparison of her anatomy to a moist towelette. How endearing.

 The album as a whole is whiney as Cudi is complaining about his childhood or the whirlwind that his life has become. The most promising tracks are "Day N Nite" and "Pursuit if Happiness," which explains why they are the only songs ever to be played on the radio. Not even the likes of Lady GaGa or MGMT can help this Kanye West wannabe.


  1. "Because having to sit through the entirety of this album felt like an awful nightmare" is a great way to start how you felt about the album
    (clearly that you did not like it). How is Enter Galactic creepy? Also try not to use "I" as you stated that you woudlnt want to be his lover.

  2. I like the overall fluidity of your review and how it seamlessly moves from one criticism to the next without much interruption. The little dig at Cleveland was also a big plus.

  3. Wow very harsh haha, but I dug the review. You had a really strong intro, and the rest of piece remained well-written and humorous. It may not be the most objective piece, but hey it works. Good job.

  4. so harsh but at times so true. Kanye West wanna-be was hilarious considering he will probably always and forever be known as Yeezy "little brother". Maybe you should explain the songs a bit more though because when I reader reads this it seems more like you have something personal against him ha

  5. You're a fiesty little bugger aren't you! Well once you started you never stopped. It was almost like playing battle ship, but you knew your target and you hit hard. As a reader I felt that it was completely tolerable, all of your criticism. Granted it was harsh but it was honest. What about "Enter Galactic" is creepy? That is really my only problem. You mentioned it without giving any detail as to why.

  6. Rad review. You definitely know where his shortcomings are which is important when you listen to an artist, at least in my opinion.

  7. Very fun review. I especially enjoyed the line, "I wouldn't want to be that girl due to Cudi's comparison of her anatomy to a moist towelette. How endearing."

  8. Overall, I enjoyed this review. It was very funny, but the structure was sometimes hard to follow. Also, we need more explanation of why the songs were "creepy".

  9. I loved reading this! You wasted no time in telling the reader exactly how you felt. Well structured, very little fluff.

  10. Yes, but one is left to ponder whether or not "moist towelette" would change to "unsoiled baby wipe" if he was from Philadelphia instead of Cleveland. Still, both outcomes remain more favorable than being from Detroit or Michigan in general. One can only fathom how terrible and pervertedly saucy Kid Cudi's thoughts, imagination, and fantasies would be then. I think they should arrest him just for being from Ohio.

    Hilarious review! I loved it, good job!
